Electronic Synergy Foundation

A Non-Profit Electronics Recycling Company


• Like all other electronic recyclers, we offer disposal services for computers and other electronics (e-waste).
• Material that is not re-usable (too old, broken, etc) is sorted by type and passed along to certified recyclers for material recovery. 
• Our mission is to leverage the recycling of unwanted electronics for environmental protection (keeping eWaste out of landfills)and charitable works.
• Unlike most other recyclers, we are a non-profit organization. Part of our mission is to perform charitable works for our community by donating re-usable electronics to other non-profit organizations. 
• We are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Electronic Recycling Company


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Discuss your electronic recycling project with our team of experts.

E-Waste (Electronic Recycling)

We start by examining the items we receive and comparing them against the recycling hierarchy of   re-use, reclaim, reduce. In that particular order.
Somewhere between 5% and 20% of the items we get still have some use in the marketplace.  Those items are refurbished by our technicians. This includes minor repairs, and data destruction.
These items are then sent for re-use through donation to other non-profits, or sale to the general market.  We use our auction sell a lot of the stuff that doesn’t get donated.  We’ve found the auction is the best way to move material at the speed it comes in.
As for the rest of the stuff that comes in, the first sort is to separate items that require data destruction from those that do not.  These items are dismantled and the data containing devices are either harvested for reuse – after data destruction, or sent for mutilation to insure data destruction.
Materials are then sorted by type in pallet sized containers, once truckload quantities are reached, they are shipped to our certified  recycling partners for material recovery. 

E-Waste (Electronic Recycling)

Between 5% and 20% of the items we get are refurbished by our technicians. These items are then sent for re-use through donation to other non-profits, or sale to the general market. Once truckload quantities are reached, they are shipped to our certified  recycling partners for material recovery. We start by examining the items we receive and comparing them against the recycling hierarchy of re-use, reclaim, and reduce.  These items are then sent for re-use through a donation to other non-profits, or sale to the general market.  We use our auction to sell a lot of the stuff that doesn`t get donated.  As for the rest of the stuff that comes in, the first sort is to separate items that require data destruction from those that do not.

Data Destruction

We are often asked how we insure data security for our donors.

Over Write Method

If there was a need to continue using a hard drive, it should be readable afterward, even if the procedure required erasure. Before the drive is to be reused, it must be preserved in a way that the data are not erased, and media may be updated or unreadable. This can be done by using a software program.

Physical Media Destruction

• If an overwrite does not meet your organization’s security standards, or the hard drive is too old or broken for re-use, then physical destruction of the media is the prescribed course of action.

• These hard drives are fed into a machine that bends them into a “V” shape. breaking the atmospheric seal and the platters. From there it gets accumulated into 1000-pound palatalized boxes and sent to our downstream R2 Recycling Partner’s shredder for material reclamation.

• Those organizations wishing to engage in their own media destruction often usually use a drill press to punch a hole through the hard drive’s circuity and platters, or a drive bender, which is a specialized hydraulic press. Other extreme methods can be employed (for example: shooting the hard drive), but they’re generally not well suited for practice inside an office building.

Charitable Re-Use

As part of our mission, we make recycled electronics available to other non-profit organizations* on a free/reduced cost basis.

What We offer

Items donated to us include TVs, computers, projectors, cell phones, etc. If item is being re-used by an organization working towards community benefit, that is the best re-use possible. Donations are subject to availability.

What We Require

This offer is only open to non-profit organizations that are State or Federally recognized non-profits. This means we can not outfit missionaries. We also insist that you use any donated items in the Oklahoma area.

Kinds Of Electronics

Your request is what we get from our sales channels. Items already in the sales channel are spoken for; your request is for “the next one” we get. Electronics are a mix of corporate and residential electronics.

Obtaining The Goods

The first step is to email scott@electronicsynergy.org and tell him what your organization does and what you need. The rest of the process will flow from there. 

eWaste Contents

We will require whoever you send to pick the item up to have a copy of your incorporation papers.

A load of Desktop Computers donated to a group that fights illiteracy.

A batch of Leapfrog learning laptops donated to a non-profit daycare center

A computer Lab donated to an apartment complex

Ever wonder what’s in the computer or electronic device you no longer want ?
(Please note this list has been simplified for easier viewing)

Recyclable Materials

All these materials can easily be recycled


These toxins leach out of eWaste when land-filled or incinerated

Sensitive Information

This is all the information an identity thief, or business competitor needs to do you harm

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